Katrina’s Teen Team Journey...Part 6


Hey Friends! I hope you guys are doing awesome and have been staying safe. In the beginning of May here in Indiana there's a feeling when Springtime finally arrives the leaves start coming back again on the trees and the grass starts to turn back green. It feels like a fresh start and a new beginning. May 11 the governor opened back up our state. We learned about the stages.  The five stages will lead us up to July 5th. I don't know about you but for me seeing a plan actually helped a lot and made a huge difference in my mental health going into the rest of this spring and even this summer. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. While we still don't know what's going to happen in the next few months, having a plan seems to be helping me stay sane during this time. Towards the end of spring I have had alot going on in my business since the governor lifted the stay-at-home order last month. We have made the necessary precautions with our clients to keep them safe. We now sanitize the studio before each and every client. The month of May I held in person fashion consults for all my 2021 senior team girls. I also had my last photoshoot with my 2020 seniors! We had their cap & gown / university t-shirt sessions. We got all of their graduation open house cards ordered and delivered before all of their graduation parties!


May started to feel like we were back to business as usual. Opening back up couldn't have come at a better time since this is the start of my busy season. Saying goodbye to my senior each year is always sad and kinda takes a toll on me. But for some reason it was different this year. I haven’t been able to put my finger on it just yet. I think it had to do with the 2020 class and all of their deadlines have been pushed back and since graduation hasn’t happened yet. I haven’t had a real clouse yet. This year has definitely a different year and one for the books. 


June has flown by! June is my busiest month of the year. I photographed my senior team girls this month for their senior pictures. I like to get my senior team girls in first so that they get the most time to share their images with their friends and have the opportunity to get referrals. Once they are all photographed I will start photographing my teens team individuals. Those will start in August. We will spend July getting them booked, and will be having their online fashion consult. For my teens I don’t do in-person. I want to keep some of my experience I offer to my seniors special. So in-person fashion consults are held for my seniors. 

Since we were in a stay at home order in the spring and weren't able to do our spring hangout we had it the beginning of June this year. I was a little nervous to host but knew the girls wanted to get out the house after being home for so long. I emailed all the parents and asked if they wanted to do our spring hangout at the beginning of June or late June. Mostly Everyone responded at the beginning of June. That told me alot and I was a little shocked by the response because our family is still practicing social distancing and limited our contact. To be honest my family is a pretty private family so we might have always practiced social distancing and have limited our contact. We are big foodies and movie goers so we are definitely missing that part of our social life.  Since our spring hangout was pushed back this year we were able to have a pool party! It was the first pool party I have hosted for my team. Please tell me why I haven’t done this before! Shame on me. But do believe that won’t be our last pool party. 

During the shut down my team and I had a senior/teen photoshoot giveaway! This giveaway went to a 2020 senior! She was to be our last 2020 seniors. I was so pumped that it will take us into our 2021 seniors season! My hair and makeup artist both provided their services for this session. My daughter MaKenna vlogged it for us so I guess I can now call myself a Youtuber! Check out our channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6oySnajBwEGbiQbTtBGb5Q

if you would like to see that giveaway session unfold. It’s a good one if I say so myself.  

4TH OF JULY 9.jpg

As June comes to an end I have photographed almost all of my 2021 team seniors. I had one girl last week who it actually rained in the middle of her session and it's the first girl that I've had to actually bail on in the middle of her shoot. Normally here in Indiana we could get a rain shower and in an hour or half-hour the sun will come out and it's totally fine. But you can tell it was not going to be one of those days. It ended up raining for like a good hour and a half. It didn;t just rain it rained buckets. So I knew from just the first 10 minutes of the rain it was just going to be a downpour so we did end up rescheduling her to finish her session. I’m happy we got halfway through her session. I have an awesome team this year and they are so accommodating and will make sure we get her back into the studio to get her wrapped up. I have quite a bit of editing to do. We will start scheduling and photographing my teens the month of July and August. We also have a destination shoot coming up towards the end of July. It's a little crazy around here and it will be crazy until late fall so buckle up buttercup. Until next time friends.
