One of the main reasons that I'm so thrilled to be a part of the Senior Style Guide "family" is because this site has more places to show off your guys than any other Senior site that I've found.Whether you're trying to build your guy clientele or you've got an established portfolio, I think it's always helpful to see what's going on in the Senior photography industry. And it's especially great when I can find fabulous guy sessions to spark some creativity for my own sessions.To make sure you don't miss a thing...I want to bring to your attention all the great places that Senior Style Guide has dedicated to showcase the Senior Guy market, so today will be all about showing you the smorgasbord of education and inspiration that awaits you on their variety of sites.SENIOR GUY OF THE WEEKDid you know that every week we feature a SENIOR GUY OF THE WEEK on our blog and Facebook wall? Yep! This feature is one of my very favorite things because any photographer can participate, no matter what your experience is, and everyone gets a chance to be recognized. I love scrolling thru the wall a few times a week and seeing all the fantastic submissions!Since photographers are encouraged to post the best of the best for a chance to be featured, it naturally creates one of the very best places to find posing and concept ideas. This is also the only place on the net that I know of that highlights Senior Guy sessions in addition to the girl sessions. If you haven't been checking out our SENIOR GUY OF THE WEEK, here's what you've been missing:What's really super fun is if your image is featured as the spotlight image, then YOU'RE the Guest Judge to choose next week's winner! It's always a hard choice and it's great experience to be on the other end of the spectrum and decide exactly which image stands out from the crowd and explain to the viewers why that image was chosen. So don't your favorite image to our wall today...and be sure to scroll thru all the images posted and spread some love to the other fantastic posts.BLOG FEATURESMost people keep updated with the Facebook wall, but the blog posts are really where the magic happens. Every week several sessions are chosen from submissions to be a featured blog post. These posts show off 10-15 of your favorites from a session, along with a little bit about the photographer and the concept behind the session. Senior Guys are often one of the featured sessions and let me tell ya....they're incredible! Here's a few images from recent featured sessions that I've been dying over....
Seriously, if you're struggling with posing ideas or "what to wear" suggestions for your guys, take a look at the featured blog sessions and the awesomeness will soon be overflowing!SENIOR STYLE GUIDE MAGAZINERaise your hand if you're like me and as soon as you get your favorite photography magazine in the mail, you ignore the world and find a quiet spot to just soak in all the photo goodness! That's exactly what I do with the Senior Style Guide magazine. It has articles from top photographers in the industry along with newcomers that just love to share their passion (like me!). And here's a not-so-subtle plug for the newest mag, Issue 11...I have an article title "The Top 7 Poses for Guys". Posing is a HUGE struggle for most photographers so I've tried to help by posing my go-to poses for every session. The beauty of these poses is that it doesn't matter where you're shooting or what they're wearing, they make every guy look great.Not only do I provide super cheesy names for you to remember them by, but I also break down the steps for exactly how to direct your guy into the pose naturally. Easy peasy.
THE FORUMThe Senior Style Guide Forum is a wonderful community of Senior photographers that just enjoy learning and sharing. And..of course...there's a dedicated thread exclusively for Senior Guys!
We discuss everything from business, marketing, posing, sales, client relationships, products, design, and anything else you could possibly imagine. Anyone is welcome to join and it's another great place where your level of skill or years in business are not an issue. Everyone has something to share and something that can be learned. If you've got questions and are really looking to perfect your Senior Guy sessions, the forum is the place to be. I'm on there quite a bit and I love jumping in the conversations and seeing what everyone is up to. I especially enjoy the marketing ideas from everyone...keep them coming!THE FACEBOOK WALLI mentioned this before but wanted to highlight the wall posts specifically. The Senior Style Guide Facebook page is well known for their Senior Stunner for the girls, but now they're highlighting the Guys and the Facebook wall is where all the photographers post their favorite guy shots. Even if you're not posting (but you should be!) it's one of the best places I've seen to browse thru to get inspiration for guy sessions with every style imaginable. Photographers from all over the country post their favorites so you'll see every kind of style...posing...and props. Here's a few posts that caught my attention recently...
This post alone should get the creative juices flowing with all the fantastic images! But be sure to check out all the great places for Senior Guy inspiration that Senior Style Guide has available to you. And don't just be a stalker...PARTICIPATE!! Send in your blog submissions...magazine submissions...wall posts...share the awesomeness and give the guys some photo love too!